ThirtyWON For A Polished Man

After celebrating my 30th birthday last year(check out that blog here), I had started to make plans for my 31st. Like Jackie Christie said in one of her many ponderosas, if you keep planning a wedding, you won’t have to plan for a divorce. So with that same zeal, if I keep planning for my…

A Weekend In Tokyo (東京)

Last weekend I decided to take a weekend trip to the city of Tokyo (東京) in Japan (日本). You see, I hadn’t been to Tokyo (東京) in a while and I felt like a trip was needed, especially since my plans for Golden Week, a week off from work due to a bunch of holidays, fell through earlier this month. I arrived…

Living My Life Like It’s Golden

Around the world, people were celebrating the beginning of Spring (春). There are no bun and cheese like they have in Jamaica (ジャマイカ), nor are there any Easter egg hunts like in the US (アメリカ). In Japan, we do things a little differently. We have a week of holidays, Golden Week, which usually begins on the 29th of April. This day is…


I woke up feeling brand new. I guess that’s what you’re expected to say when your birthday comes right? If that was the case then whoever made that claim, if there was ever a claim like that, lied. It was indeed my birthday but I didn’t feel brand new. Feeling anew is complete hogwash. I felt the…


I could hear birds chirping in the distance. It was now morning which meant day 3 had arrived. The sun tried its best to pierce through the windowsill but to no avail. The windows were locked so tightly, the wolf from The Three Little Pigs wouldn’t be able to blow it open. Talk about strength. Like…

Twenty 7 in Bali: Bali Ups and Bali Downs

After the success of Day 1, I was sure Day 2 wouldn’t disappoint. Ben and Faye (my friends from the UK) wouldn’t be joining me as they had left for Lombok. Sad. However, I was determined to live like a Bravo celebrity for the rest of my holiday, so the plan was to do as many activities as possible while capturing it…

A Singular View On An Impressive SEOUL

THE PLAN Ever so often I stumble upon articles and videos about what is recommended for 20 something year olds to try, whether it be related to travel, health, relationship, just to name a few. I normally ignore these headlines because in my view, the subjects and I shared no relation. However, I recently celebrated…